Tuesday, January 5, 2010

First Day of School

I do not think, even if I had sat down and drawn a picture of how I wanted the first day of school to go for my Grandkids in a new school, it could have gone this well! None of them really said so yesterday and this morning but in hindsight I do think they were very nervous about today. Last night the mood was heavy in the house. There was not the usual "happy" in the air but I did not really notice it nor would have I suspected why if I had not seen the way they were tonight. Lots of smiles with sparkles in their eyes, shoulders held high ... just very happy.

Allison loves her teachers ... especially her math lab teacher. I was so excited about them coming here to school because I knew that the minute they recognized her struggles with math they would be all over it with extra help! I predict with this teacher she will make huge strides in math. She said he introduced her to everyone and told everyone what a cool kid she was. Talk about giving her a boost of self confidence as the newbie. If she had been walking any taller this evening I am not sure she would have made it through the door! Jennifer asked if if she made any friends, "YEA with all of them" she said with a hint of DUH in her voice. And then a long pause before she said "not with the boys though!" ; )

Matthew also loves it. He said his teacher talks very nice and he made 2 new friends. His favorite subject is math. Matthew came running into the kitchen with his notebook saying, "Grandma, LOOK at this, you are not going to believe it!" He pulled out a permission slip and read it to me. It was a permission slip for a field trip to the Dallas World Aquarium. He is ecstatic!

Braeden also loved his first day. His favorite subject is Gym. Matthew said, "But what is your favorite subject out of Math, Science and Reading?" Braeden thought long and hard and then repeated, "Gym".

None of Matthew or Braeden's friends have names yet though, they only have shirt colors. "The boy in the green shirt is my friend ... the boy in the red shirt is my friend". At this school they have "buddies" they get assigned to and their buddies stick by them for 2 weeks to show them the ropes. How neat is that?

As of day one they want to go to these schools forever so that is a great start.

We did pretty good today sticking to our schedule for the evening. Got homework done with no complaining and went to bed with very minimal "after lights out chatter". Life is good! ; )

I thought all of them would want us to take them to school on the second day but what was I thinking ... they want to ride the bus!


  1. So, Miss Beverly...(if that's your REAL name)...
    Going to do the homework thing now with, what THREE kids? Can you imagine how much fun I have just trying to get my ONE Ariel to do it?
    At least they will keep you young!

  2. I never was good at helping. So I taught them to ask for help. Another important life skill
